It’s been a while.

I am sorry that I haven’t written a little while. This blog is for when I find inspiration. Sometimes I will write multiple times a day, other times it will be once a month.

Enough of the excuses. I have had a great few weeks. In therapy, my therapist and I have started EMDR. For those who do not know what EMDR is, it stands for Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing.  Without getting too scientific. The purpose for this type of therapy and studies behind it, are that certain traumatic events get stuck in part of the brain. Most memories or any information that the brain receives needs multiple parts of the brain to process it in order for it to understand and react towards it. This involves both parts of the brain. With EMDR the science and understanding is that, while thinking of the image and how it makes you feel while crossing the barrier between the left and right hemisphere, it will become dis-jarred from the unconscious mind. Then it will properly be able to process the information.

Well, after that whole jargon. IT IS WORKING FOR ME! I can tell you that my brain, after each session, actually feels lighter. It was the weirdest sensation. I barely could believe it.

So EMDR is working. Amazing. Another amazing thing is currently in the works. A friend of mind introduced me to Breaking Taboo. Breaking Taboo is an organization that is trying to lift the stigma surrounding Mental Health. Early stages, but I know I will have more to share in the future.

Take care for now!

Author: nathanfuist

33 y/o male with a wife and a beautiful baby boy. Retired Firefighter/Paramedic. Now I work in the financial industry.

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