The day I was asked to publicly speak on suicide.

I started my career as a firefighter/paramedic with the Shrewsbury Fire Department on January 4th 2010. I fairly quickly became active with my Union. We had just had quite a bit of suicides of firefighters in the area. My first day volunteering for the Health and Wellness committee, they talked about needing someone to discuss about suicide. I rose my hand. What did I just get myself into? Before this speech, I talked to friends, family, and a few people here and there about mental health. Now, I would be talking to 100+ first-responders about a topic that was still seen as taboo. A good friend my made through this experience, Keith Pigg, decided to record one of the times I talked in front of my local. It was humbling, people who I would never have thought in a million years, came up and gave me hug and agreed that this was an important subject. So without further ado, here is the video.

Author: nathanfuist

33 y/o male with a wife and a beautiful baby boy. Retired Firefighter/Paramedic. Now I work in the financial industry.

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